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Perintah-Perintah Dasar Pada Termux


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hallo gan. Selamat tiba kembali ke blog aku jangan lupa mampir ke artikel yang lain ya. Kali ini aku akan menciptakan artike perihal perintah dasar pada termux. Tutorial ini cocok untuk bagi kalian yang belum paham apa itu command-command pada termux.

Ok eksklusif saja ya gan. Di sini sudah aku tulis hampir semua command.


pkg install <package>Install a package e.g.  pkg install git
pkg search <query>Search packages
pkg upgradeUpgrade packages
termux-setup-storageSetup storage


cd [folder]Change directory e.g. cd Documents
cdHome directory
cd Home directory
cd /Root of drive
cd -Previous directory
lsShort listing
ls -lLong listing
ls -aListing incl. hidden files
ls -lhLong listing with Human readable file sizes
ls -REntire content of folder recursively
sudo [command]Run command with the security privileges of the superuser (Super User DO)
open [file]Opens a file ( as if you double clicked it )
topDisplays active processes. Press q to quit
nano [file]Opens the file using the nano editor
vim [file]Opens the file using the vim editor
clearClears the screen
resetResets the terminal display


[command-a]; [command-b]Run command A and then B, regardless of success of A
[command-a] && [command-b]Run command B if A succeeded
[command-a] || [command-b]Run command B if A failed
[command-a] &Run command A in background


[command-a] | [command-b]Run command A and then pass the result to command B e.g ps auxwww | grep google


history nShows the stuff typed – add a number to limit the last n items
Ctrl + rInteractively search through previously typed commands
![value]Execute the last command typed that starts with ‘value’
![value]:pPrint to the console the last command typed that starts with ‘value’
!!Execute the last command typed
!!:pPrint to the console the last command typed


touch [file]Create a new file
pwdFull path to working directory
.Current folder, e.g. ls .
..Parent/enclosing directory, e.g. ls ..
ls -l ..Long listing of parent directory
cd ../../Move 2 levels up
catConcatenate to screen
rm [file]Remove a file, e.g. rm data.tmp
rm -i [file]Remove with confirmation
rm -r [dir]Remove a directory and contents
rm -f [file]Force removal without confirmation
cp [file] [newfile]Copy file to file
cp [file] [dir]Copy file to directory
mv [file] [new filename]Move/Rename, e.g. mv file1.ad /tmp
pbcopy < [file]Copies file contents to clipboard
pbpastePaste clipboard contents
pbpaste > [file]Paste clipboard contents into file, pbpaste > paste-test.txt


mkdir [dir]Create new directory
mkdir -p [dir]/[dir]Create nested directories
rmdir [dir]Remove directory ( only operates on empty directories )
rm -R [dir]Remove directory and contents
less [file]Output file content delivered in screensize chunks
[command] > [file]Push output to file, keep in mind it will get overwritten
[command] >> [file]Append output to existing file
[command] < [file]Tell command to read content from a file


find [dir] -name [search_pattern]Search for files, e.g. find /Users -name "file.txt"
grep [search_pattern] [file]Search for all lines that contain the pattern, e.g. grep "Tom" file.txt
grep -r [search_pattern] [dir]Recursively search in all files in specified directory for all lines that contain the pattern
grep -v [search_pattern] [file]Search for all lines that do NOT contain the pattern
grep -i [search_pattern] [file]Search for all lines that contain the case-insensitive pattern
mdfind [search_pattern]Spotlight search for files (names, content, other metadata), e.g. mdfind skateboard
mdfind -onlyin [dir] -name [pattern]Spotlight search for files named like pattern in the given directory


[command] -hOffers help
[command] --helpOffers help
info [command]Offers help
man [command]Show the help manual for [command]
whatis [command]Gives a one-line description of [command]
apropos [search-pattern]Searches for command with keywords in description

Gimana puyeng gak? Sama gan aku juga puyeng. Pahami 1 per satu dulu gan semoga ga puyeng. Jangan lupa mampir ke artikel yang lain gan. Banyak tutorial mantapp nya.

Ok gan segitu aja ya.. see youu.

Kata kunci :
cara menjalankan termux, termux pertama kali, termux, perintah termux, command termux

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